Shaping a Healthier Future

A Multiethnic Observational Study in American Asian and Pacific Islander Communities

Shaping a Healthier Future

A Multiethnic Observational Study in American Asian and Pacific Islander Communities

Shaping a Healthier Future

A Multiethnic Observational Study in American Asian and Pacific Islander Communities

Shaping a Healthier Future

A Multiethnic Observational Study in American Asian and Pacific Islander Communities

Shaping a Healthier Future

A Multiethnic Observational Study in American Asian and Pacific Islander Communities

You Matter

Be a part of the story for the future generations of the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Community

Whether you have lived in the US for a while or you just got here, you are welcome here.

Prefer another language? We offer translated surveys in Traditional/Simplified Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Tagalog


  • Asian, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander
  • 18 to 64 years of age at time of screening
  • No plans to move from the area within next five years
  • Not in active military service
  • Willing to provide health information over an extended study period
  • Not currently pregnant


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